Monday, February 19, 2018

Blog about Twitter

Twitter discussions allow us to be more interactive with users. We can see and respond to others tweet and have it show on our page. We have a personalized account and page so people can simply view our page to see all that we've been up to. Blackboard is similar in the sense that people can see our thread created under a topic and see all who has comment and what thoughts we have on the topic and to others work. However, our work and ideas aren't in one profile setting where a classmate can easily access to see our thoughts, it's everywhere based on the topic and thread we've created for the discussion. In terms of a classroom setting, Blackboard helps us organize our thoughts on specific topics in one area for discussion, although we can't see all of an individuals activity unless we look for it, everyones contribution to the discussion is readily available. An in-class discussion is on another spectrum in terms of being able to have everyones opinion/discussion available for reference and comment on. In-class discussions productivity depends on the students preference in terms of wanting to participate. Most kids do not comment or acknowledge their classmates input in a discussion, however,  on Twitter and Blackboard, individuals are more likely to read and analyze discussions because of the convenience and ability to think for a moment instead of having to think on the spot. Overall, we see a similar communication platform between blackboard and twitter, in the ability to communicate with multiple individuals and seeing all of a persons interest.    


  1. I think that Twitter is a good way of interacting with others and you are able to personalize what you see and post. I think that Blackboard and Twitter have some similarities and differences. One big difference being Twitter is used for more social use while Blackboard is used for educational purposes.

  2. I agree ! I think the fact that Twitter limits our characters also allows for us to think carefully about what we're gonna say, and people are more likely to read a short message than a long one that goes on too many tangents.


Wiki so far

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